CASE STUDY : Wāhine Māori Exhibition - NZ Festival
DATE : 2021
NOTES : Indigenous Artists - Activist Wahine AR+artist™ App

*developed for Wāhine Māori:
Te Toi o Te Ātetenga | Art of Resistance

*download Wāhine Māori App

He Kaupapa porotēhi tēnei, hei wāhi porotēhi hei wāhi whakamana i te Tino Rangatiranga. Hei kaupapa whāngai kōrero, whakatakoto whakaaro e pā ana ki ngā kino kua puta i te tāmitanga nui a te ao pākehā me ngā rongoā e puta ai tātou i tērā tāmitanga.

E kī katoa ana te whakaaturanga nei ki ngā momo kaitoi katoa, he kaitārai, he kaihanga kākahu, he kaipeita, he kairaranga, otirā ko te katoa o ā rātou mahi he mea hāngai ki te kura o te ātetenga, te manawa o te toa. E whakatinana ana tēnei whakaaturanga i te koha nui a ngā wāhine Māori ki te whakapapa o te hītoria me ngā toi o Aotearoa. Ka whakamahia e rātou ngā momo toi katoa hei rautaki āki i te tāmitanga i pā ki a rātou me ō rātou whānau me ā rātou tamariki.

Wāhine Activist Art is a platform to protest and highlight Te Tino Rangatiratanga. It provides an opportunity to educate, visualise and create dialogue through art. An element of the work by this alliance of Wāhine addresses trauma created in response to colonisation’s ongoing effects.

Featuring an impressive group of multi-disciplinary artists working across photography, sculpture, fashion, weaving and paint, the works are grounded in activism. This exhibition is a representation of the contribution of Wāhine Māori to the whakapapa that is Aotearoa art history. These Wāhine use art as a tool to highlight the injustices imposed upon themselves; me tō rātou uri me tō rātou whānau hoki.

Curators: Robyn Kahukiwa and Tracey Tawhaio.
Exhibiting Artists: Robyn Kahukiwa, Kura Te Waru, Dianne Prince, Linda Munn, Natalie Robertson, Ngahina Hohaia, Andrea Hopkins, Tāwera Tahuri, Suzanne Tamaki, Charlotte Graham, Tracey Tawhiao.


Pacific Sisters

