Digital Commissioning Service

The Octagon's Independent Digital Commissioning Service for the Arts

… will revolutionise digital art creation and distribution. This innovative service will commission cutting-edge digital art projects, offering artists access to advanced technologies and platforms to realise their visions. Powered by iSPARX™, the service will provide technical support, funding opportunities, and professional guidance, ensuring high-quality outcomes. By fostering digital innovation, the commissioning service aims to push the boundaries of contemporary art, engaging audiences with immersive and interactive experiences. It will serve as a catalyst for digital creativity, supporting artists in exploring new media and expanding the digital arts landscape.

*powered by iSPARX™

Ruatoki by Tame Iti

Ruatoki was a multi-media exhibition which opened in Ruatoki on July the 31st 2019. The exhibition comprised of pieces by artist Billy Apple and artist & activist Tame Iti. This exhibition presented narratives of Ruatoki, both personal and shared. The Ruatoki app & installation was Tāme Iti’s contribution to the exhibition.

Wharenui Harikoa

3D Photogrammetry & Augmented Reality experiential development for the Wharenui Harikoa - iSPARX™ carte blanche digital development of these high resolution 3D models for AR+ media installations & performance.


Kereama Taepa presents his innovative artwork in Augmented Reality over a series of cultural and artistic installations. Continuing his practice of exploring the intersection of technology and Te Ao Māori, reflecting and challenging our understanding of these two worlds.

Taepa's work with digital technologies has provided the means to create immersive, interactive experiences that blur the boundaries between the physical, digital and spiritual realms. Manipulating light, sound, and space to transport viewers to new, unexpected places, encouraging them to explore the intersections of tradition and innovation, past and future.

Pū Rākau by Paku

Revolutionising how the Māori alphabet and Māori stories are brought to life through play

He aha ēnei taputapu? | What do our Pū Rākau blocks do?




Art & Events